This is a 3 foot hexagon vivarium. Lighting used: UVB 5.0 compact angled to converge on basking spot. 100 watt day spot and a 150 watt infrared. There is an under tank heat pad ~ 12 inch square centred. Water is filtered with a Fluval cannister 3. Currently, the tank holds a male asian water dragon and a male green basilisk, the painted turtle and 30 fish the largest of which are a pair of parrot cichlids. The fish have been in this house for 4 years. MORE ON THE HEXAGON

This is a 70 gallon tall. 3 ft in length. 5.0 compact UVB and a 100 watt daylight bulb. No night heating in this abode. It currently houses a cuban knight anole, a brown anole, a small day gecko, 1 swift and a rainbow or blue tailed skink. The cuban keeps to the shaded areas.....the others are out and about and have no qualms about being near to any of the other inhabitants. The cuban has been a shy lizard since his arrival. More on the 70 gallon tall
An 18 inch exo terra. 60 watt ceramic heat lamp and 5.0 UVB. There is a 4 inch water level in the front half but soil in the back half with a live pond plant on one side. The temperature ranges from 76 to 85 f. The humidity runs around 80%. There is an air purifier within a foot away which draws air keeping this healthier than it would otherwise be. There are 2 fish in the water and a very miniature water dragon. Snout to vent she is less than 5 inches and 2 fire bellied toads. There are also 2 Misissippi Maps ~ loonie size, living here until they get a little larger. She should be about 16 months of age but isn't growing. She has been in my care for 3 months.
A 148 gallon. 4 ft tube UVB, 5.0 1 Ceramic heat emitter ~ 60 watt. 1 day light heat 100 watt. Soil base with spagnum moss mixed in and in a layer. 2 gallon water area. Fluval submerssible 2. 5 live plants. Humidity varies from 45% to 80 % depending on the location. Heat ranges from 76 at ground level to 86 in the upper basking areas. This houses: 4 fire belly toads, 4 green tree frogs and a juvenile whites tree frog. (The white's won't stay. When it grows a little more it will be moved.) The lizards include: 2 blue tailed skinks, 1 giant day gecko, 1 golden gecko, 3 green anoles and one large variety of brown.
I am currently attempting to sustain some red wigglers in this tank. A margarine container is buried up to 1/4 inch. It is blocked on the top by a food dish. I am not sure if the wigglers can be sustained in the heat/humidity. The intention is to open it in the evenings for the frogs and toads until the colony is larger. And then to open it to all the residents. HOW IT IS CURRENTLY WORKING
4ft by 18 inch by 16inch, 5.0 UVB compact, 60 watt heat emitter, 75 watt moon beam. 3 gallon water area. Fluval 2 sub. 4 ft length. Humidity range: 56% to 80%. Temp: 88 to 74 F. I keep this tank dimmer for the Tokay. But it also helps to make the water dragon and basilisk more secure. The asian water is a small male with disabilities. The water dragon and basilisk have resided together since the basil got here 4 years ago. The tokay is a new addition. SAFE HARBOUR
One hundred and twenty gallon aquarium. UVB 5.0 compact, Infrared 100 watt and 75 basking spot light. Approx. 2 gallons of water in plastic bin with a pond filter rated for 65 gallons. Temp Range: Humidity range. Residents: 1 female basilisk, 1 veiled chameleon**, 1 australian female water dragon.
***Note: I have tried the chameleon in the apartment complex without success. He did bother the smaller residents. These 3 leave each other alone. While the chameleon is in glass and does search for an escape route, his colouring is good. He is the first to the worm bowl. There is an air purifier about 3 feet away drawing air and I do keep the enclosure a little drier than he would like and mist directly. I also have a large silk ficus he plays on every couple of days for an hour or so. I place him on top. He takes 15 minutes to reach the bottom........and I place him back at the top again. I also have a flexarium that is a mobile home taken out in the sunshine during appropriate weather. To date there have been no issues with the water though it is built with about 5 access points for him to be able to climb out.