Moving the water dragon out of here, left me an open space. This 18 inch exoterra is now the home of the pacman, or horned frog. There is a small water area ~ which will have to be enlarged at some point with a submersible fluval 1. I have taken the sponge that came with it and cut it in half. Taken a nylon knee high and put some charcoal and amonia remover into the space. This filter needs to be cleaned weekly ~ the smaller the water area the more maintenance it is going to need. I do have a 5.0 compact UVB (see resources compact UVB causing eye damage). I will change this out to a small fish 2.0 when I get the opportunity. There is a 16 watt heat pad attached to the side of the tank. The background dirt is approximately 3 inches higher than the water level. My pacman is still under 2 inches at this time.
Female Pacman frogs can reach a diameter of 7 inches or so. Measure your dinner plate to see how little difference there would be in size. If you are not into feeding rodents, lizards to another pet...these guys are not for you. My frog will likely not be fed according to instruction as I am not a person to handle that. I will have to do some research into other protein and calcium sources to HELP offset these not being in his diet. And likely will have to hand feed him whatever it is because they ambush prey rather than searching.
I haven't had my pacman frog long enough to give a great description of living with him. I can say this, a pacman is little more than a walking stomach. They will cost you a fair penny to feed and this is likely the extent of his entertainment value. They can be housed in a fairly small space because they are very sedentary.
I found a very good site that lists great sites in their links. (Seems they have quite a lot of information in general.) It is a great place to start and if you keep going on the links may take you around the world!
Click here: Ornate Horned Frogs - Pacman Frogs - As Pets
Click here: >> Horned (Pacman) Frog (Ceratophrys cranwelli and C. ornata ) Care
Now where did I leave his picture? Found him! Once again, moved. Below is the current house.
No sounds yet, I wonder if both are females? If so I may have to go find a third. :: laughing ::
Ornate Pacman & Enclosure
This habitat now has running water. If this is a male the new water area should be adequate throughout his life. I haven't heard any noises from either yet. I enjoy the frogs and toads for the sounds they bring to the house.
P.S. While I can't explain why? apparently I find these frogs attractive enough to have gotten a second one.