The information on the BambooZoo site is as much as 10 years old and in the hobby much has been learned. Though, I believe there is merit in keeping the site open. There are many controversial issues presented in these pages. Please view BambooZoo as a starting point in your research.
These beings are as complicated as we are and deserve more than a basic 5 paragraph care sheet to maintain their health and well being.
My passion has changed. This is where I am today. Change the World.
Female Giant Day Gecko, Dumpy Frog
35 gallon hexagon
Heat: Heat pad in rear at ground level, 75 watt infrared
UVB: 2.0
Temp. Range: 74 to 88 F.
Humidity Range: 48 to 70
Small running water area installed.
Heat pad at the rear on the side at ground level.
The frog is nocturnal leaving the full tank available for the Day Gecko during the day. The Whites is about 2.5 inches in length. Day Geckos are insectivores and have no interest in making a meal of the frog. The Day Gecko too large for the frog to eat. This is a little female that came here as an adult with a shedding issue. I placed her in the same environment my male was in and was shedding imaculately. It did not work. She did not need the same conditions he did. When placed in here I kept the humidity very high at all times and she began to come around and made progress. We also used electrolytes once a week.
The substrate in here has a sand and rock base topped with potting soil and peat moss. The snake plant is real and does well in this habitat. I added in running water recently with a container that is about 4 inches deep run with a reptile pump with filter material. Day Gecko will not submerge himself, only the Dumpy will use it to get into and soak. Since Whites Tree Frogs are not much for swimming and can drown there is a rock to sit on.
The Dumpy is talking! And not in the least what I was expecting. It has taken me a couple of months to figure out what was making the sound. Described by some like the sound of a mouse squeaking...I thought it sounded like a baby bird cheeping rythmicly. For the longest I associated the sound with Jada, the African Grey as making a little "depressed" kind of noise. Jada does immitate the noise but in a clearer and louder voice. I was hearing it between 8:30 am to about 9:30 or 10 in the mornings. The frog is talking with Jada.