We have finally turned an educational corner that will revolutionize reptile keeping, and the health of our pets will soar. The elusive information on UVB has been conducted, is ongoing, and the word is starting to spread. Our inadequacy in reproducing UVB is being resolved and leaping forward.
The following sites will give you from a grade school education to a full bachelors degree educationally. The low outputs of the tubular bulbs and compacts will astound you with their inadequacies and have you running for the Mercury/Vapours.
My own experiences with the M/V's has not been overly positive. One lasting less than 6 hours. Another just a few days. Careful with watering as I had one shatter approximately 20 minutes after I had heavily watered the environment. Broke another turning it on too quickly after shutting down, they have to cool. Broke a third when I was rummaging around and knocked it over. etc. I have a very hard time working with them but I am replacing 2 to 3 at a time and working towards remembering their shortfalls and my own, which appear to be a very incompatable mix.