Details and Strategies for the program.
Advantages for you, the business owner.
Often times an interested customer spends 20 minutes with an employee or less asking for care instructions and needs of the pet. Even the most dedicated and learned of your employees does not have the time to pass on everything a new owner needs to know. A major area of concern and NEVER provided at a sale are the symptoms of disease and what those diseases are. Do you provide a time limited guarantee? Write the address of the bamboozoo on that guarantee. In doing so you provide an immediate and thorough education availability. And the best chance of success for your consumer.
That consumer support provides an opportunity to gain the respect and loyalty of your customer. The level of respect for your company will rise, and respect, in turn, will create a loyal customer base. I am extremely confident of the effects this support structure is able to provide. How do I know this? I can be a large contributor to the cash registers of a location or two. Keeping 75 pets is an expensive hobby.
The site is a great resource for those that are interested in a reptile or parrot but are not sure what species will suit their life styles. Ignorance is the reason that many potential consumers don't attempt. I have overheard, dozens of times, "I don't know anything". Place the site name in view or a card in the section that these people can take home and research.
As a person with a new baby lizard, it is very confusing. Often times web searches turn up inferior sites with little useful information. You can make this frustrating situation vanish. An informed consumer is able to maintain a healthier pet and gain more satisfaction from the relationship. A romp through the site pages is liable to peak their interests in acquiring others as well.
Many disagree with my practices and I fully support their views. Although I write from my personal experiences, I pass them along to the "experts" in the field and my word is never the one they are left with. The advantage, in the site, is that my cohabitation settings descriptions can be rare in other sites and gives it a uniqueness. My writing style is casual... almost like taking a stroll. My emphasis is on truth and I will share the situations I have failed with.
I will develop an online package, for support. A copy of a flyer. A certificate of support. etc. I will continue to add to all sections. When a location is submitted and an online address is given a subscription newsletter will be forwarded on a monthly basis. (We all know
Give us the opportunity and WE WON'T HESITATE TO EDUCATE.