1.2.3 = 1 Male, 2 Females, 3 Not Sexed
ASF or ASFR = African Soft Fur Rat [Praomys (Mastomys) natalensis]
Ca:P = Calcium to Phosphorus ratio
CB = Captive born
CBB = Captive Bred and Born
CITES = The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
DUW = Dial-up Warning (Warning directed to dial-up users; thread contains many/large images)
Herp = A reptile/amphibian; Related: Herpetology - The study of reptiles and ampibians.
LTC = Long Term Captive
MBD = Metabolic Bone Disease
MVB = Mercury Vapor Bulb
RI = Respiratory Infection
UTH = Under tank heat(er)
UVB = Ultra Violet Bulb
WC = Wild Caught
Beardies = Bearded Dragon [Pogona vitticeps]
BTS = Blue-tongued Skinks [Tiliqua gigas]
Cham = Chameleon [Chamaeleo sp.]
Chewie = Rhacodactylus chahoua
Cresties = Crested Gecko [Rhacodactylus ciliatus]
CWD = Chinese water dragon [Physignathus cocincinus]
Gargs = Gargoyle Geckos [Rhacodactylus ariculatus]
Iggy or Iggies = Iguana [Iguana iguana]
Leachie = Rhacodactylus Leachianus
Leo(s) = Leopard Gecko [Eublepharis macularius]
Mali = Mali Uromastyx [Uromastyx maliensis]
MHD = Mountain Horned Dragon
PTS = Prehensile-tailed Skinks [Corucia zebrata]
Rhacs = Members of the Rhacodactylus genus
Sav = Savannah Monitor [Varanus exanthematicus]
Uro = Uromastyx and sometimes Uroplatus, (leaf-tail gecko)
AHS = African House Snake [Lamprophis fuliginosus]
Amel = Amelanistic - albino - lacks darkening pigment
Anery = Anerythristic - lacks red pigment
ARS = Asian Ratsnake
ATB = Amazon Tree Boa [Corallus hortulanu]
Axanth = Axanthic - lacks yellow pigment
Bateater - Borneo Bateater Python (Reticulated Python X Burmese Python)
BCA - Boa Constrictor Amarali (Brazilian or Bolivian Boa Constrictor)
BCC = Boa Constrictor Constrictor
BCI = Boa Constrictor Imperator
BCL = Boa Constrictor Longicauda (Peruvian Long-tailed boa)
BCO = Boa Constrictor Occidentalis (Argentina, Paraguay)
BP = Ball Python [Python regius]
BRB = Brazilian Rainbow Boa [Epicrates cenchria cenchria]
Burm = Burmese Python [Python molarus bivittatus]
CoDom = Co-dominant gene
Conda - Anaconda [Eunectes murinus]
CRB = Colombian Rainbow Boa [Epicrates cenchria maurus]
Chondro = Chondropython (Green Tree Python)
DPH = Double possible het. Dum's = Dumeril's Boa [Acrantophis dumerili]
EASB = East African Sand Boa [Eryx colubrinus]
ETB = Emerald Tree Boa [Corallus caninus]
F1 = Term used to determine generation in genetics and selective breeding (e.g. F1 = 1st Generation, F2 = 2nd Generation)
FK or F/K = Freshly Killed
FT or F/T = Frozen Thawed
FWC = False Water Cobra [Hydrodynastes gigas]
Gabby = Gaboon Viper [Bitis gabonica]
GBK - Gray Banded Kingsnake [Lampropeltis alterna]
GTP = Green Tree Python [Morelia viridis]
Het = Heterozygous -Having two different alleles for a single trait.
Hog - Hognose snake [Heterodon spp.]
Hogg - Hogg island boa - Boa constrictor un-named subspecies
Homo. = Homozygous
Hondo = Honduran Milk Snake [Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis]
Hot(s) = Venomous reptile(s) Hypo - Hypomelanistic - reduced melanin
IBD = Inclusion Body Disease (viral disease of boid snAKES)
IJCP or IJ = Irian Jaya Carpet Python [Morelia Spilota Variegata]
JCP = Jungle Carpet Python [Morelia spilota cheynei]
Jag(s) = Jaguar Carpet Python(s) [Morelia spilota sp.] KS = Kingsnake [Lampropeltis sp.]
KSB = Kenyan Sand Boa [Eryx colubrinus loveridgei] Leucs = Leucomella
LTR = Leucistic Texas Ratsnake [Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri]
Nic = Nicaraguan Boa Constrictor [Boa constrictor imperator]
PAM = Prevent-A-Mite PH = Possible het. Pinks = Pinkies, new born rodents
Pit(s) = Snakes of the Pituophis species (gophers, bulls, pines, etc.)
PK or P/K = Pre Killed Retic = Reticulated Python [Python reticulatus]
RFV = Rear fanged venomous
RTB = Red-tail Boa
SD Gopher - San Diego Gophersnake [Pituophis melanoleucus annectens]
SD Retic = Super Dwarf Reticulated Python
T- = Incapable of producing tyrosinase, a melanin synthesizing enzyme
T+ = Capable of producing tyrosinase, a melanin synthesizing enzyme
Tincs = Tinctorius
VBB = Vietnamese Blue Beauty [Orthriophis taeniurus ssp]
WLP = White Lipped Python [Liasis albertisi]
RES = Red Ear Slider [Trachemys scripta elegans
Tort = Tortoise
S'ling(s) = Spiderling(s)
T(s) = Tarantula(s)
Chytrid = Chytrid Fungus - Highly contagious fungus fatal to amphibians
Darts = Dart Frogs [Dendrobatidae sp.]
Pyxie = Pyxie Frog - African Bullfrog [Pyxicephalus adspersus]
PM = Pacman frog [Ceratophrys ornata]
RETF = Red Eyed Tree Frog [Agalychnis callidryas]
WTF = White's Tree Frog [Litoria caerulea]
RES = Red Ear Slider [Trachemys scripta elegans
Tort = Tortoise
S'ling(s) = Spiderling(s)
T(s) = Tarantula(s)
Chytrid = Chytrid Fungus - Highly contagious fungus fatal to amphibians
Darts = Dart Frogs [Dendrobatidae sp.]
Pyxie = Pyxie Frog - African Bullfrog [Pyxicephalus adspersus]
PM = Pacman frog [Ceratophrys ornata]
RETF = Red Eyed Tree Frog [Agalychnis callidryas]
WTF = White's Tree Frog [Litoria caerulea]