If you notice that your Iguana is sneezing please be reminded that this may and generally is not a sign if illness. Iguana's rid their body of by products through this method.
"Nasal salt glands are present in herbivorous iguanid lizards such as the green iguana. When the plasma osmotic concentration is high, excessive sodium is excreted by these glands. The lizard may be seen to sneeze a clear fluid that dries to a fine, white powder, which is sodium chloride. This mechanism allows water conservation and may be mistaken for an upper respiratory infection.
If you have introduced a new food item into the diet and notice that your Iguana is "snalting" more often than before, please refrain from feeding that particular food item for a few weeks. If after a few weeks you notice that the snalting has reduced then re-introduce the food item in smaller quantities.
If you wish to remove the snalt deposits from your Iguana please take care and use a damp cloth. As stated as above, Iguanas will choose their moment wisely to bite.
Cleaning the snalt from the glass is a little harder, therefore you may want to use an ANIMAL SAFE detergent.
Please ensure also that there are no infections within the mouth of your Iguana, and a safe method of inspection is simply wait till they yawn. Clearly yo should be looking for all the teeth (of which there are a lot). and no obvious signs of infection.... If you believe that anything is out of the ordinary please consult a vet.
VET - Please ensure that you have proper access to a trained reptile vet! DO NOT wait till you Iguana becomes ill, Iguana's deteriorate rapidly therefore it is crucial that you are able to gain access to a vet!
Thanks Iguanaquinn,
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