Water quality creates many issues all on its own. It is the main cause of conjunctivitis in reptiles. I regularly place white vinegar in all the water bowls and running water areas. This extends the length of time the water remains free of germs. White vinegar will deal with mouth infections and help to heal rostral damage. The vinegar will also deal with internal bacteria and kill off some types of infections. This is useful for eye infections as well working on the issue internally where those eye drops are not getting.
The acidity of vinegar makes it effective against bacteria and fungi,
This is also an advantage to lose weight and also has a diuretic that increases urine output without loss of potassium like other diuretics. It is also very good for skin, hair and all types of mucous membranes of the body, especially the eyes.
White vinegar helps the body in the absorption of essential minerals. This is particularly helpful in the absorption of calcium to make the bones strong.
But despite being highly acidic the vinegar white has properties for health, is a great cleanser and helps fight constipation and bacteria that cause gas and putrefaction in the stomach and intestines, many die when they come into contact with the vinegar.
Recent Research Confirms Bactericidal Activity of Vinegar
Researchers at the Food Biotechnology Department, Instituto de la Grasa (CSIC) in Seville, Spain, conducted research on the antimicrobial activity of several products. Vinegar and red and white wines were among the products tested. (Note: The focus of the research was olive oil, but it confirmed other findings related to vinegar and red and white wines.) The following microorganisms were used in the study: S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, S. Enteritidis, E.coli 0157:H7, S.sonnei and Yersinia sp.
Among the items tested, vinegar (5% acetic acid) showed the strongest bactericidal activity against all strains tested, which was attributed to its high acetic acid content. The researchers noted their study confirmed previous results. It was noted that both red and white wines exhibited bactericidal activity, in particular against Salmonella Enteritidis and Yersinia sp. S. aureus and L. monocytogenes were the least sensitive to the wines. The research was published in the May 2007 issue of the Journal of Food Protection (Vol. 70, No. 5, 2007).
Study Suggests Vinegar Increases Calcium Absorption from Foods
University scientists in Ebetsu, Japan, have suggested that vinegar increases the extraction of calcium from food, based on two separate studies. The researchers say they found feeding laboratory animals a diet containing 1.6 percent vinegar for 32 days increased their absorption of calcium. Another study showed adding vinegar to boiling broth could boost the amount of calcium in chicken stock by 40 percent. The scientists believe the acetic acid in vinegar liquefies minerals in bones and shells. To read more, use the following link: www.thirdage.com
Vinegar: No more than 3 % of the water content. You do not want to change drinking habits by putting in too much.