The information on the BambooZoo site is as much as 10 years old and in the hobby much has been learned. Though, I believe there is merit in keeping the site open. There are many controversial issues presented in these pages. Please view BambooZoo as a starting point in your research.
These beings are as complicated as we are and deserve more than a basic 5 paragraph care sheet to maintain their health and well being.
My passion has changed. This is where I am today. Change the World.
This is a 72 gallon tank ` 4 ft length, 18 inch height. In the right hand corner is a rubbermaid tub 6 inches in depth. A small pump keeps the water clean. There is a brick inside of the tub for enabling the skink to climb in and out with ease. The heat bulb is a 150 watt. UVB is 10.0. The remaining lid area is covered for 2 reasons: to keep the heat in and the humidity out.
If you haven't read a dozen times already that almost every environment I have is inadequate....but I am constantly working to improve everyones situations as I can. The only solution I currently have to separating the Iggy and Blue Tongue would be to keep the Blue in a large storage container in a spare room. I don't like that idea so.....until we can come up with something suitable, as long as they remain compatible. I do really enjoy both and although occasionally I think about rehoming one...I'm not mentally ready to do so.
Female Northern Blue Tongue ~ 3.5 years of age
Clubtail Iguana sex unknown ~ 3 years of age (I have never seen another clubtail to compare)
**This little iggi was introduced to the tank while the blue tongue was in brumation.**
With the exception of not liking him/her climbing over her they cohabitate without any difficulties.
The newest member: a berber skink...finally caught him. The blue tongue just gave him a flicker of her tongue when I put him in. Two days later the berber was seen basking with his head resting on the back of the blue tongue.
As seen in one of the pictures, Jack the Brat resides next door. I was surprised at how well the lizards in both the tanks (bottom tank has spiny tail iguana, beardie, berber and african hedgehog) adjusted to a very large bird residing at eye level for the blue tongue and above the lower tank.
Iguanas snort excess salts from their bodies. The glass was cleaned one week ago today. The salt deposits, like water spots in aquariums, build and are difficult to clean. One of the reasons getting this page done has been difficult ~ I never seem to remember I only have a couple of hours after cleaning it to get the pictures before he messes up the glass AGAIN.