Nilotic Crocodile with Mauremis caspica - Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
Gila Monster with Collared Lizard and Chuckwalla - Rotterdam Zoo
Philippine Sailfin Lizard with Cuora trifasiata - Rotterdam Zoo
Giant Girdled Lizard with Warren's Girdled Lizard - Rotterdam Zoo
Testudo graeca with African Spiny-Tailed Agamid - Rotterdam Zoo
Madagascan Iguana with Spider Tortoise - Rotterdam Zoo
Black Iguana with Black Chuckwalla - Rotterdam Zoo
Boa Constrictor with Double-Crested Basilisk - Costa Rica Nat. Zoo
Aldabra Giant Tortoise with Seychellen Gecko - Hannover Zoo
Green Iguana with Common Basilisk and Red-Legged Tortoise - Antwerp Zoo
Madagascan Girdle-Tailed Lizard with Radiated Tortoise - Antwerp Zoo
Amethyst Python with Carpet Python - Antwerp Zoo
Solomons Tree Skink with Green Water Dragon, Malayan Box Turtle, Tokay and Phil. Sailfin Lizard - Antwerp Zoo
African Spiny-Tailed Agamid with Girdled-Tailed Lizard, Leopard Tortoise and Mabuya - Antwerp Zoo
Mata Mata with Amazon Tree Boa - Zoo Atlanta
Arafura Seasnake with White's Tree Frog - Melbourne Zoo
King's Lizard with Pignose Turtle - Taronga Zoo
Sailfin Lizard with River Cooter, Elongate Tortoise - Taronga Zoo
Corn Snake with Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake - Taronga Zoo
Eastern Bluetongue Lizard with Cunningham Skink, Land Mullet and Blotched Bluetongue Lizard- Taronga Zoo
Freshwater Crocodile with Northern Longneck Turtle - Taronga Zoo
King's Lizard with Stump-Tailed Lizard - Aquazoo
Common Skink with Girdle-Tailed Lizard - Aquazoo
Green Tree Python with Emerald Skink (Dasia) - Aquazoo
Black Emerald Monitor Lizard with Emydura albertisi - Aquazoo
Pancake Tortoise with Platysaurus - Aquazoo
Mata Mata with Anolis sp - Aquazoo
Leopard Tortoise with Egyptian Spiny-Tailed Lizard - Aquazoo
African Spiny-Tailed Lizard with Common Agama - Aquazoo
Girdle-Tailed Lizard with Leopard Tortoise - Aquazoo
Australian Brown Water Dragon with Stump-Tailed Lizard - Reptile Zoo Moers
Pignose Turtle with Gharial and Emydura sp - Bronx Zoo
Pignose Turtle with Green Tree Monitor - Toronto Zoo
Fiji Iguana with Timor Monitor - Toronto Zoo
Tokay with Reticulated Python Toronto Zoo
Malayan Painted Turtle with False Gharial - Toronto Zoo
Green Water Dragon With Indian Star Tortoise - Toronto Zoo
Sauromalus with Petrosaurus and Sceloporus - Toronto Zoo
Dwarf Caiman with Mata Mata - Toronto Zoo
American Alligator with Alligator Snapping Turtle - Toronto Zoo
Stump-Tailed Lizard With Bearded Dragon and Eastern Bluetongue Skink - San Diego Zoo
Plumed Basilisk with Anaconda - San Diego Zoo
Crocodylus moreletii with green iguana, black iguana and Trachennys scripta ornate - Zoo Guadalajara
Crotalus atrox with Gopherus berlandieri - Zoo Guadalajara
Aldabra Tortoise with Gecko species - Reptile Zoo Iguana
Sceloporus magister with Common Leopard Lizard - Wilhelma Zoo
Green Tree Python with White's Tree Frog - Wilhelma Zoo
Murray Turtle with King's Lizard - Poznan Zoo
Common Chameleon with Radiated Tortoise - Frankfurter Zoo
Rattlesnake with Desert tortoise - Guadalajara Zoo
Shingleback Skinks with Bearded Dragons - Micke Grove Zoo
Fresh Water Crocodile with Mertens Water Monitor - Northern Territory Zoo
Blue Tongued Skink with Frill neck Lizard - Northern Territory Zoo
Galapagos Tortoise with Land and Sea Iguana (1930's) - Brookfield Zoo Chicago
Rhinoceros Iguana with Bearded Dragon - Tierpark Hagenbeck
Rhinoceros Iguana with Aldabra tortoise – Bristol Zoo
Gila monster with collared lizard – Burgers Zoo
2. Reptiles With Birds
Saltwater Crocodile with unknown birds - Singapore Zoo
Green Iguana with Toco Toucan - Honolulu Zoo
Water Turtles with Anhinga - Burgers' Zoo
Aldabra Giant Tortoise with White-Eye bird - Hannover Zoo
Malayan Water Monitor with White Crested Laughing Thrushes - Lincoln Park Zoo
Amazon River Turtle with Teals - Lincoln Park Zoo
Dwarf Crocodile with Lilac Crested Roller - Lincoln Park Zoo
Mexican Beaded Lizard with Gamble's Quail - Toronto Zoo
Red Foot Tortoise with Sun Bittern, Mot Mot and
Grey Winged Trumpeter Staten Island Zoo
Bearded Dragon with Scarlet Chested Parakeet,
Crimson Rosella and Moluccan Cockatoo Micke Grove Zoo
Radiated Tortoise with Black Parrot and Roller Micke Grove Zoo
Desert Tortoise with Yellow Knobbed Curassow Micke Grove Zoo
Leopard Tortoise with Purple Glossy Starling and
Von Der Decken's Hornbills Micke Grove Zoo
Pacific Pond Turtle with North American Waterfowl Micke Grove Zoo
Chinese Alligator with Elliot's Pheasant Micke Grove Zoo
Chinese Alligator with Cattle Egret Micke Grove Zoo
Chinese Alligator with Black-Naped Oriole Micke Grove Zoo
Marine Iguana with Galapagos Dove (1960's) Brookfield Zoo Chicago
Galapagos Tortoise with Galapagos Penguin (1930's) Brookfield Zoo Chicago
Green Iguana with Caracara Santa Fe Com. College Zoo
3. Reptiles with Fish
Corallus enidris with Mud Slider and Piranha Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
Sea Turtle with Nurse Shark Aquazoo
Kinosternon with Mudskipper Aquazoo
American Alligator with Black Pacu Aquazoo
Green Water Dragon with Mudskipper Aquazoo
Green Water Dragon with Four Eyed Fish Aquazoo
Pignose Turtle with Arowana, Arapaima and
Redtail Catfish Rotterdam Zoo
Sea Turtle with Atlantic Brown Shark Rotterdam Zoo
Pignose Turtle with Melanotaenia boesemannie and
Australian Lungfish Rotterdam Zoo
Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman and Peacock Bass Rotterdam Zoo
Double-Crested Basilisk with Four Eyed Fish Allwetter Zoo
Pignose Turtle with Freshwater Stingray Northern Territory Zoo
Painted Turtle with Australian Lungfish Taronga zoo
Anaconda with Amazon Fish Zoo Basel
Green Iguana with Fresh Water Stingray TierparkHagenbeck
Red-Tailed Racer with Mudskipper, Four Eyed Fish
and Toxotes jaculatrix Tierpark Hagenbeck
Green Water Dragon with Ihelus finbriatus Tierpark Hagenbeck
4. Reptiles with Mammals
Green Iguana with Tamarin Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
Caiman with Fruit Bat Topeka Zoo
Gharial with Fruit Bat Singapore Night Safari
Gharial with Small Clawed Otter Singapore Night Safari
Salvador Monitor with Small Clawed Otter Singapore Zoo
Freshwater Crocodile with Ruffed Lemur, Gibbon and
Howler Monkeys Honolulu Zoo
Egyptian Spiny-Tailed Agamid with Macrobcelides Aquazoo
Green Iguana with Agouti Costa Rica Nat. Zoo
Red Foot Tortoise with Goeldi's Tamarin Allwetter Zoo
Double-Crested Basilisk with Goeldi's Tamarin Allwetter Zoo
Red Foot Tortoise with Cotton Top Tamarin and Sloth Staten Island Zoo
Chrysemys elegans with Gelada Baboon NaturZoo Rheine
Double-Crested Basilisk with Cotton Top Tamarin Lincoln Park Zoo
Radiated Tortoise with Brown Lemur Micke Grove Zoo
Desert Tortoise with Pudu and Cotton Top Tamarin Micke Grove Zoo
Leopard Tortoise with Gunther's Dik-Dik Micke Grove Zoo
Red-Eared Slider in moat around Lemur island Micke Grove Zoo
Desert Tortoise with Titi Monkey and Kuhls Marmoset Micke Grove Zoo
5. Reptiles with Amphibians
Common Madagascan Day Gecko with Mantella Antwerp Zoo
Chameleon with Bufo mauretanicus Frankfurter Zoo
Double-Crested Basilisk with Dendrobates auratus Münster Zoo
Spilotes mexicanus with Bufo horribilis Guadalajara Zoo
Crocodile Lizard with Mandarin Newt Toronto Zoo
Boa constrictor with Dendrobates sp. Costa Rica Nat. Zoo
Mexican Beaded Lizard with Colorado Toad Toronto Zoo
Eyelash Viper with Dart Frogs Philadelphia Zoo
6. Reptiles with Invertebrates
Marine Iguana with Hermit Crab (1960's) Brookfield Zoo Chicago
Oenpelli Python with Golden Orb Spider Northern Territory Zoo
7. Amphibians with Amphibians
Chinese Warty Frog with Salamandra Aquazoo
North American Bull frog with Pleurodeles waltl Aquazoo
Bufo viridis with Hyla Aquazoo
8. Amphibians with Fish
Bufo viridis with Hyla and Three-Spined Stickleback Aquazoo
Pleurodeles waltl with Three-Spined Stickleback Aquazoo
Bullfrog with Koi, Goldfish and Mosquito Fish Micke Grove Zoo
Poison Frog with Neon Tetra Marwell Zoo
9. Amphibians with mammals
Marine Toad with Golden Headed Lion Tamarin Münster Zoo